Liebe Geschwister
ich wünsche euch eine gesegnete Vorweihnachtszeit und sende euch diesen kurzen Gedanken des Herrn
Euer Bruder in IHM,
Stefan - JIL-Homepage: -

          I love You

This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire (

I desire to walk hand in hand with you.  You are special to me.  I am
leading you down the path of righteousness. This path is not familiar to
you because you ways are not My ways -- My thoughts are higher than yours. 
Your life is complete with Me, but apart from Me you can do nothing. 
Give-in, give-in, My glory awaits you. Stay focused!  The longing and
yearning for completion will frustrate you if you don't stay in My
presence. I Am your finisher. 

Don't be complacent and entangle yourself with the things of this world
Let your light shine before men.  In some cases you will not have to say
a word, for My Glory will shine from your face.  Stay in My presence, let
My love consume you.  It is a fire that will burn away all that hinders
you, all that is holding you back.  My Love Fire brings deliverance and
healing.  Let it consume you, My Beloved.

Oh how I long for you, to wrap you up in My love.  Come to Me, I call you
today. Let Me love you, says the LORD.