Die Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Hollie L. Moody-
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Hollie L. Moody - Still small voice
I experienced the following vision ~~
There was a tremendous mob of people. They were milling around. The noise was incredible. For some reason, I sensed that all these people were claiming to be Christians.
I heard some of the people preaching and prophesying. Whenever someone began to preach and / or prophesy, crowds of people would run over to this person and gather around them. Then, another person would begin to preach and / or prophesy, and large crowds of people would then run over to that other person to listen to them.
Soon, there was a tremendous confusion of sermons and words from the Lord being shouted out to the crowds of people. The whole scene was one of absolute chaos and confusion.
But suddenly, I heard a small whisper. Some of the other people appeared to hear the small whisper also. We began to follow the sound of this small whisper to its source. The source was the Lord.
He was standing out in a desert, wilderness scene. A small group of people were standing quietly and solemnly around the Lord. In contrast with the mob of people I had just left, this group of people was extremely quiet and silent. They were very intense and totally focused upon the Lord. They were looking off in the distance, as if waiting for more to join them.
I watched as the Lord began to hand out small, rolled-up scrolls to each person. As each person received a scroll, they would stand to the right of the Lord. Soon, each person had received a scroll.
"What is this scroll, Lord?" someone asked.
"It is a message from Me," the Lord replied. "I have given to those of My children who have heard My still, small voice a message to deliver. They each have their orders from Me, and know exactly who to take the message to, and what the message is. They are to go only to who I send them to, and speak only what I have told them to speak."