Die Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Shriley Lise.
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by Shirley Lise
Venture on in the things laid out to you. Move forward in the call. Step out of the comfort zone and into the comfort of knowing that I have gone on before you to make a way.
I will build upon what I have already shown you. Your efforts will be rewarded over and above what you could have thought or imagined. I am moving you on and out of the familiar and I will assign projects to you that will thrill your heart.
You will recognize that I have called you to new and exciting endeavors, that you are not housebound, but that I have lifted the stigma put upon you by ungodly men and that I am moving you into new areas of expertise.
I have instituted My law within you heart. You need no one to teach you the things of My Spirit. Lo, I am with you and I shall walk you out. Do not grieve the passing away of the old. Do not let it get a grip on you.
I am moving you out, away from the familiar, and plunking you into the new. Old mindsets will crumble. Old ways will fall away. All those things that would weigh you down are being removed.
I am breaking you away from those things that would command attention and taking you into a fresh stream of My river. Walk with Me and do not turn around and turn back.
I am taking you into the promised land, into the fulfillment of all promises made to you. I am leading you on and into the inheritance that awaits you. I am leading you on and into your destiny.
Press in to Me and I will speak life to your mortal bones. I will give you a glimpse of what I have in store. I will show you things to come. I will increase within you till you are able to stand strong through the greatest storms.
I will fill you with love and compassion, with fervor and passion. You will not sit idle. I will parade you forward as My vessel of choice, as one I have chosen to carry My heartbeat.
Press in and press on to the prize. You will see that I have not denied you access, but that I have opened wide the doors for you to be escorted through and into your inheritance.
Walk with Me. Talk with Me. Spend time with Me and you will see that I have, indeed, prepared you for great things. Those who once rose up against you will no longer be able to hold you back. Rid yourself of worry. Do not look to those who are in your midst. Do not listen to their ill report. Keep focused on Me and you will see wonders.
Bring your whole life to Me and let Me change you into that which will accurately represent Me. I will change your heart and give you My heartbeat.