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GODSPEAK (religiöse Sprache)
John Stanko
You may know the story of how I found my purpose after a failed business opportunity. After that failure, I was praying in my office one morning, but I wasn’t really praying. I was involved in something I now call “Godspeak.” I hear Godspeak all the time as I travel and I am still guilty of it from time to time. You may be asking, “What is Godspeak?” I’m glad you asked.
Godspeak is one of these things. If you are telling the Lord what you think He wants to hear and not what is truly on your heart, then you are engaging in GodSpeak. If you are praying and pretending to be the person that God wants you to be, then you are using GodSpeak.
One of the keys to finding your purpose is to ask the Lord, but your prayer must be based in reality and not religiosity. When you pray using King James’ English or try to match someone else’s eloquence, you are often using your energy to impress God. But God cannot be impressed.
The morning I found my purpose, I started out in Godspeak. I was asking God to save my business for His glory. The problem was that I wasn’t interested in God’s glory. I was in trouble, but I didn’t think I could tell God the truth. Consequently I fabricated a prayer that sounded good, but was based in unreality. I was using Godspeak. But when I saw what I was doing, eventually I slammed my fist on the desk and yelled, “But God, if you didn’t create me to start this business, what did You create me to do?” To my surprise, God answered me and my life has never been the same.
A man named David M’Intyre wrote:
We like to speak to Him as we think we ought to speak, and there are times when our words far outrun our feelings. But it is best that we should be perfectly frank (aufrichtig) before Him. He will allow us to say anything we will, so long as it is to Himself, “I will say until God my rock,” says the psalmist, “why have You, God, forgotten me?” If he had said, “Lord, You cannot forget. You have graven my name on the palms of Your hands,” he would have spoken more worthily, but less truthfully.
On one occasion Jeremiah failed to interpret God aright. He cried as if in anger, “O Lord, you deceived me, and I was deceived.” These are terrible words to utter before Him who is changeless truth. But the prophet spoke as he felt, and the Lord not only pardoned him, but met him and blessed him there.
As you seek your purpose this week, I urge you to pray in honesty and integrity. If you are frustrated or confused, tell God; He already knows. If you are tired or overwhelmed, tell God; He already knows. If you have been searching and feel like giving up, tell God; He already knows. And when you get honest with God, your honesty frees God to be honest with you. You need God to speak the truth to you if you are going to know your purpose. For that to happen, you must first speak the truth to Him. Have a great week!