Die Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Jasminka Diehl, einer Schwester im Herrn, der das Thema Intimität mit dem Herrn mehr als alles andere auf dem Herzen liegt.
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Jasminka Diehl
Intimacy produces the knowledge of the person we're intimate with. It involves our time and effort to get to know that person. It is progressive learning of the heart, and the life of that person.
We are invited to get to know God in that intimate way, we learn of His heart and His
life on daily bases, as we commune with Him throughout the day. The living, breathing
relationship is required for greater intimacy, otherwise we become just like neighbors - visiting sometimes, having a partial relationship, but closed hearts.
Our need for His heart should be greater than our need for His hand, and with His heart
we always get His hand. It is the hand of the heart of the Love of God, His never ending
grace and mercy that many are acquainted with, yet still don't have insight of the
person whom that Hand belongs to.
The time is accelerating, and we can not allow it to pass us by, and not hear His call
to get to know Him ...
He is offering us knowledge of Him, rather than about Him.
These are the days of open heaven, where anything is possible, if we would just believe ... The vaults (Schatzkammern) of heaven are wide open, all those treasures and mysteries laid out before us ... He is urging (anspornen) us to get to know Him. He is stirring the hunger and thirst beyond any of our prior experiences, to come and drink of His Living Waters, and to feed on His Bread of Life. And His promise to us is, that we will be satisfied!
His promises are YES and AMEN! The Feast is set, the table is ready - but guests are still missing ...
He desires our blind obedience which steams (angetrieben werden) out of love and trust, and not out of duty. And trust proceeds out of the heart knowledge of His magnificent person, which is achieved only by the depth of intimacy with our God.
There are people in the earth today whose cry of their heart is to KNOW HIM. They are not satisfied with the history and interpretation of personal opinions of others, to tell them who God is. These people will not take somebody else's view of God for themselves, but will pursue God with passion that is ignited within their hearts, and whose fire is fulled by the liquid love of His heart.
They want to know Him for themselves, they are in love with God, the Person, and not the God of religion. Their God is the God of NOW, the great I AM, and not God of the past, God of yesterday. They are in love with Him, and are ever growing in the knowledge of Him, through His indwelling and manifested presence.
We are His tabernacle, we are His dwelling place, He delights in us, we are the apple of His eye ... We are His peculiar people, His treasured possession. He longs to be with us, He longs to talk with us. Our relationship should be the mutual sharing of life - we give Him ours, and in return we get His ... and ALL who God is comes with the Life that He is offering.
So COME and TASTE and SEE that the Lord your God is GOOD God.