Liebe Geschwister

Die wunderbare Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Yolanda Ballard.

Der Herr segne Euch auf allen Wegen mit Ihm,

Wir sind Seine Familie in IHM
Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger

><> JIL - JESUS IS LOVE <>< -

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by Yolanda Ballard



Many times when I draw My people to come close, I see that many run in the opposite direction and avoid coming into the secret place with Me. For this is the time and the hour where the enemy will do everything in his power to draw you away from coming into that place of intimacy with Me. For in this place I accept you as you are, and you are able to receive healing from all your hurts and pain.


I will build you up and prepare you for battle. I will speak to you of My battle plan on how to defeat the enemy in your life. There is nothing to fear so draw near for I have defeated the enemy on your behalf.


I love you just as you are, and there is nothing you have to do to make Me love you any more than I love you this day. I loved you before you ever knew Me, even when you chose to live a life of sin. And now that you know Me I give you My kingdom authority, My name, and I call you to even sit with Me at the right hand of My Father, the place of power.


Why do you shy away from Me? What do you feel you have to hide? Or is it that you just don't desire My presence for you have as much of My presence that you want.


Do not be afraid to come into that place where I examine your heart to bring conviction for that is a place of purity and freedom. Come and delight in that place. Do not believe what the enemy says about coming into that place, for he is a liar and even the father of lies. All he comes to do is to twist the truth. Do not listen to anything he has to say even if it sounds like it makes sense.


This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, but you must draw close to receive it. Even draw close upon My lap and rest your head on My chest. Let Me hold you close to bring comfort and strength for many are so weary and battle fatigued (ermüdet - strapaziert). Give Me all your cares. Give Me all the battle. Don't try to fight it on your own in your own strength. Let go and let Me take over for you. Do not be afraid for I AM in control, and all things will work for your good. Just trust Me for I love you and care for you.


This is the final hour, and you must develop that place of intimacy with Me. Run to Me every chance that you can. Escape the cares of the world and the distractions of the enemy, and come sup with Me for I will fill you with that hidden manna to give you strength.


Yes, I will strengthen your inner man as you pray in My Spirit. I will fill you with My strategies against the enemy to defeat him in every way that he tries to come against you. I will give you discerning of spirits and knowledge and wisdom. Yes, I will stir the gifts up within you, and show you how to stand even bolder in the face of danger for I AM making and calling you My soldiers of light and truth.


Come out of the darkness and come into My glorious light in My secret place. For I will give you joy unspeakable and fill you with My glory. I will cause you to delight in My word that it may be planted deep in your heart. I will refresh you by streams of living water that you may bask in My Son. Look forward to your times with Me, for this is the final hour, and you must make good use of the time you have.


Take all opportunity to prepare, to draw near, while it is still day. For soon I will send you out like lambs for the slaughter. That will be the way it will seem in the day of persecution, but I will raise you up as mighty warriors, and every word that I will say through you will be like a mighty roar to defeat the enemy. For just because I have made you meek (sanft, bescheiden), don't think that you are weak for I AM mighty in you and through you.


I love you, My beloved. Come close this day. Listen closely to what I have to say. Rest in My presence for I AM faithful. I will prosper you. I will heal you. I will raise you up for I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and I AM calling you near.