In dieser Mail ist ein Wort von Francis Frangipane enthalten.
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by Francis Frangipane
In spite of increasing tensions around the world, the Holy Spirit says, for
many, this next year will be a year of release. While we must absolutely
intercede for our nations, we also must refuse to become fearful or
restrained by the pressures of the world around us. The constrictions
experienced by this age are not death throes, but birth pangs; they are not
part of what restricts us, but releases us.
Let me repeat from our last message: "Do not focus on the fearful things
around you, the threats of terrorism or the portent of economic collapse;
focus steadfastly upon your transformation!" God is doing a quick and deep
work, and this world is the perfect setting in which to manifest
Christlikeness. Darkness provides the perfect contrast to the rising glory
of the Lord within us.
"So, look for My release," says the Lord. "For this year it shall come
powerfully and suddenly."
Year of Release
Beloved, the Father's heart is impassioned for our release! Even now, the
Holy Spirit is focused upon bringing new freedom to our lives, whether that
release manifests in greater purity, more confident power or deeper
intimacy with Christ, a spiritual release is coming.
Yes, Christ enters our lives as Lord and King, but He never stops being our
Healer, Comforter and Deliverer. Even when He must confront and rebuke us,
it is so He ultimately can release us. Remember, Jesus began His ministry
with an amazing announcement, a proclamation which would define His eternal
relationship with the church. He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to
proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to
set free those who are downtrodden, to proclaim the favorable year of the
Lord" (Lk 4:18-19).
Jesus was anointed (that is, He was prepared and empowered by God) to
proclaim "release to the captives." He didn't come to condemn captives, but
to free them. He is not angry that we are "blind"; He comes to give us
vision. He's not disappointed that we are "downtrodden"; He comes to lift
us up.
If you have received the anointing of Jesus Christ upon your life, then
there is a constant updraft of divine energy working in your spirit to
bring release from sin, recovery from wounding and freedom from the
limitations of the flesh. The instant you look to God, you know His power
is working; the moment you turn to prayer, resurrection power kicks into gear.
Jesus came proclaiming "the year of the Lord's favor" (Lk 4:19 NIV). The
Amplified adds, ". . . the day (when salvation and the free favors of God
profusely abound)." Regardless of what you feel like, look like, or have
recently been acting like, right at this very moment, the Spirit of God is
extending His favor toward you, assuring you a release is on its way!
What This Means
In practical terms, this means if you've been incarcerated by sin or the
devil, this year you will triumph over your enemies. If you have loved ones
trapped in bondage, they too, as you intercede, shall know the Lord's
freedom. It also means if you have been treading water spiritually and
going nowhere, a release is coming to you as well. This year shall mark a
season of measurable spiritual fulfillment for all who desire to live like
Remember, though fearsome things may occur around us, something more
awesome still is occurring within us. Christ's church, the woman, is with
child. This year shall be the year of great release!