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Walking forth into the Third Day
Mark Kaphaem
The Bride has past through the first day of death by the law.
She has been awakened into the second day by the kiss of
Grace and the romance of the Savior.
Now She will walk forth into the third day, as the stone is rolled
away and she comes forth as a new creation in the Spirit.
There is a realm in the Spirit that has been opened to only a few
that will now be opened to all. For those who have not lost hope
and have been in preparation for this time, the transition will be
You will feel a great wall being removed in the Spirit. This is the
rolling away of the stone on the tomb. You will step forth as new
creations, not of flesh, but of the Spirit.
As you step forth from the tomb, you will be stepping forth into a
new reality, a new dimension. No longer citizens of this Earth but
citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. You will walk in the Spirit in the
Heavenlies just as normally as you now walk on this Earth in the
You have been pushing on this stone for some time now. There has
been great awareness in the Bride, that there was more to walking in
the Resurrection power of Christ, then what she has been experiencing.
The key to moving the stone is Faith. The Faith to move this stone is
now being given to the Bride. All she need do is receive it and come
forth in answer to His calling.
He is calling you by Your new name. Those that know His voice will
hear Him and respond.
PS: ich erlaube mir zur Abwechslung mal ein bisschen was Erheiterndes