Liebe Geschwister

Die Ermutigung - gerade auch an Frauen - dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Olivia Long.

Ich wünsche Euch eine großartige Woche

Wir sind Seine Familie in IHM
Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger

><> JIL - JESUS IS LOVE <>< -

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by Olivia Long


RISE UP O' WOMAN OF GOD.... You are passing over the Jordan into the promised land. I have prepared you and I have guided you. Each word that I have given you was a preparation, like the manna I gave to the children of Israel. - and like the children of Israel you have become very weary, at times, of the manna. But this was to feed you and to sustain you.

NOW, I AM taking you from your wilderness and into your promised land. I will go with you... I will go before you ... and I will go behind you. You shall move into the land that I have prepared for you.

As you draw near to the river to go into the place that I have called and prepared for you, do not be afraid to step into that river for it will part for you. Much preparation has been done in you and in the same wise much preparation has been done in the place I am calling you.

So many times you thought I was doing nothing, but the fact remains a great and mighty work has been done unbeknownst to you. I have never forsaken you although you may have thought that I have. Many times I have been carrying you and protecting you and guiding you through areas that you were never aware of, all the while holding you in the palm of My hand. Beloved, I saw every question, every concern, every tear - never forsaking you...EVER!

I have placed upon each of you a calling like no other. I have placed upon each of your hearts - a hunger and desire to serve Me. An all consuming desire, consuming your thoughts at this very time and times past. Through times of doubts, loneliness and hardships ... times when you have cried out to Me "Where are You God? You promised to move mightily in My life, where are you?"

I say to you, here AM I in your midst. Even when you are surrounded by distractions,and the distractions have been many, I AM in your midst. Keep your eyes and your heart focused on Me, do not be moved, for I will move mightily. Many are called but few are chosen and I AM well pleased that you have stood and remain firm in your calling.

One word of caution, My daughters, "YOU ARE SERVING ME, not man!" You have faced opposition in the past and you will face opposition in the future, such is the course of one who TRULY follows Me. Mankind will try to dissuade you - set your face like flint - only following and serving ME.

Over these past days and hours I have been placing within your spirit a stirring of hope and a stirring of assurance in your heart for the call upon your life. This stirring will begin to bring the flow of My Spirit. You have sensed that there is a moving, "a tangible" moving taking place. Do not denounce it but grasp and lay hold of what I lay before you. The time of being held in limbo is now coming to an end for My Spirit is moving in a mighty way.

Give ear to My Word and remember My precepts - they are for instruction and wealth. Take note of every jot and tittle - they are for a purpose. I do not give words of non effect or non meaning. Each word to you has been carefully picked for you edification and for you instruction. Do not discount My Words but take heed and give ear. Weigh them very carefully!

My Beloved Daughters, you have been in a most vulnerable place because it is the place where I am positioning you to enter and claim your inheritance. A place where often all you can do is "stand." My daughters, through it all, I AM delighted with your obedience and My recompense and reward is with Me. My daughters, I will never allow you, My faithful ones to lose or miss your inheritance and blessings - you can be sure ALL that I have promised you will be fulfilled.

Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough ... I AM the Breaker and I AM breaking through every door and every hold that would try to bind you. You Lord God Almighty is doing this thing and I AM breaking through on your behalf. I AM reaching out My arm to you this day and I say come away My Beloved to that secret place reserved only for you.

The time is right, the day is here, I AM calling you forth. It is no accident that I have chosen this season to bring release to you and to your calling. It is a new beginning that you are celebrating - a new day and a new hour is dawning, so lift up your eyes, My daughters and see your Father and your God bring to pass all that I have promised.

Lift up your eyes for a mighty work has been accomplished. Lift up your eyes for your new day is dawning and your call been made ready. Lift up your eyes to the hills from which cometh your help - your help cometh from the Lord! Lift up your eyes for the unveiling...

You will stand in amazement in what I AM unveiling. You will 'watch' in amazement at the unveiling. I said I would do it and I AM fulfilling My Word. You will see that shortly it will be your triumphant day, a day of breakthrough, a day of triumph over all the enemy has tried to do to hold you back. It will be a day of laying forth the plans I have for you and the triumphant entering into those plans. It is a glorious entering in of you with your King. Listen, My daughters, for the trumpets are sounding and My angels have gone forth.

Get ready for your glorious visitation. Get ready to receive the voice of your God as the mysteries of My will shall be revealed to you. Do not question My instructions but move in them. They will bring an excitement to your spirit and music to your ears. You will say "I can't believe it" but Beloved, you WILL believe!

Don't believe or settle for the lies of the enemy that would say it's not going to happen. Let the words of My mouth be the final say in your life, knowing you can rely on what I say and know that it is truth and it cannot change or fail! My daughters, stand on My Word, it is life to you.

Stand fast, stand fast and don't let go. Your vision, your dream, your hope is in the making, don't let go. Hold fast, stand fast and you will see the I AM bringing into the physical realm those things I have accomplished in the spiritual realm. You will stand in amazement for your thoughts, your conceptions of what I would do could not even begin to compare to what I AM really doing. You will stand amazed at what I AM bringing forth.

The way has been hard and the road has been rough but it is time to RISE UP O' WOMAN OF GOD, rise up and take your rightful place. A place of distinction and a place prepared for only you. I have been knitting you with like sisters who have known much heartache, suffering and pain and those who have 'no need' for personal glory - cherish My precious gift unto you! The hour and minute is upon you - RISE UP O' WOMAN OF GOD!