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Ich bete, dass sie Euch ermutigt und um Euer Herz wirbt ...
Der Herr schenkt Euch seine Gegenwart und Euer Weg ist allezeit vor Ihm,

Wir sind Seine Familie in IHM
Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger

><> JIL - JESUS IS LOVE <>< = =

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Susan Cummings (

I am standing, and all around me is a swirling, living cloud. I say, it is swirling, because it has no specific direction of it's flowing as it encompasses me. It moves at the direction of the Lord, as it is His Spirit that is in the Cloud. It ebbs and flows around me, with the movement of the Lord's heart. It also is living, because it pulses and radiates with His Heart Beat, which you can feel all around you as you stand IN HIM.

Every color that is imaginable is IN HIM. He is all around me, and is surrounding me with Himself as He displays His colors to me, and they are alive with His Radiance. I can feel the colors and their love towards me. I know that sounds silly, but everything about the Lord, displays His Love. His Light, His Colors, His Cloud, His Glory, all reflect His Love towards His Child. For He is Love.

There is no fear in His Glory, only His Love and His Peace. It is like standing in pure Light and Love that is full of His Person, that is His Glory……. And it is the secret place for His Own. This is where we are hidden IN HIM. Nothing can enter here, but through the BLOOD. It is the BLOOD, that gives us the Key to His Glory Cloud.

I am standing here, and the living cloud swirls, and changes, and moves as the Spirit wills it to. It flows by the mind of the Father, and becomes what He desires, as we are there with Him. I can feel His Heart. I can feel His Love. I can feel His Concern for His Children. I can feel His arms reaching out for them.

I feel such a strong pull on My Heart. I can feel My Heart expand and stretch outwards with the desire for His People, and it amazes me how little we realize His Care for us all. He is ever reaching out, ever searching for that one who would draw near to Him, ever seeking for those who understand and who pay the price to come to HIM, and who want to stand IN HIM.

I feel His burden. He cares for each one who struggles to know Him. He is moved with their frailty of faith and their lack of vision, yet they still continue to try. He knows their pain and sorrows, and their constant battle with their flesh and minds. He treasures them greatly, for they are HIS, and He knows them by name. He sees them in the night, crying tears of frustration and of hopelessness, and He wipes away their tears and places them in His bottles, and treasures every one of them. He looks upon His Children, and sees them through the BLOOD, and calls them each to Himself. For such, are these ones, the kingdom now fully comes………

I feel led to move forward in the Cloud, and so I begin to step forward. I do not feel afraid, even though there is nothing but swirling colors all around me, but I do feel like it is changing as I move. The longer I stand in the Cloud of His Glory, the less I feel of me, and am aware of me, and the more I become aware of Him, and what the Father is feeling and doing. The illumination of His Presence transforms me into His Vessel and that means nothing of me is alive, only available to Him. An empty vessels that awaits it's filling in absolute surrender, with no thought for it's life or future use. It does not matter. Only the Father's desire matters. Only the Father matters. My thoughts are becoming His. I feel free.

As I move further into the Cloud, as if that is an accurate description of my movement, but it's all I can refer to, I feel freer and freer, like I have emerged from a shell into my true form, somehow. There is no weights, or restraints, or cares that remain in me, and I am totally HIS. I cannot remember when I have felt like a new creation IN CHRIST, such as this, but it all comes into focus now. It is a real place and position for us all, as His Children. We can stand IN HIM, and be totally HIS, and have nothing IN us that is separated from HIM!

There is a light ahead of me. I am surrounded by the living lights and colors, but there is a different light ahead of me. It is distinct and separate from the living light, yet the same. It is a LIVING FLAME. I can see it burning in a seeming distance from me. There is no spatial measurement in the Cloud, as you cannot measure God, so it is hard to distinguish how far I am from it. Yet, I can see it ahead of me. I walk towards it.

The closer I get to it, the hotter it becomes. I can feel it burning through me as I approach. I cannot go any closer as I feel My drawing nearer would defile it. I know that the Father has cleansed me, yet, HE IS HOLY, and is fearful to behold. The flames burn with HIM. He is LIVING FIRE, and LIVING LIGHT. He is a LIVING GOD. The flames are burning around the FORM of the FATHER. I can feel Him in the Fire. I can see His burning eyes as they behold me approaching. I cannot stand anymore…..

Everything within me cries out to Him, for mercy. I know He has brought me here, yet His Holiness consumes me, and I cannot live in His Holy Presence. He is a Holy God. He is a fearful RIGHTEOUS JUDGE, and a GLORIOUS KING. My mind cannot grasp Him, but only lay in yielded ness to HIM. Many thoughts flow through me as I lay before Him.

I can hear His heart beating. I am stirred, and awaken, as if from sleep. I can hear His Heart beating. Where is it coming from? I look around, and I can see Jesus standing next to the Father. The Burning Flames are still there, but now Jesus is next to Him. I notice that Jesus comes closer and I am able to sit up. With Jesus here, I can stand being nearer to the Father, and Jesus smiles. He says, "That is because of My Grace. My Word says that I draw all men to Myself, and you can stand here because of Me."

It is simple, yet profound to grasp. We can stand IN HIM, and be ONE with Him, because of His Grace to draw us, and to behold Him, face to face. At that moment, it dawned on me, that I had stood face to face, with the Father, and had not grasped it! Jesus, again smiles at me. He says, "You cannot grasp or understand or perceive the person of the Father, except by Me, for I AM the GATE through which all men come to the Father. You cannot see His Face, unless I reveal it to you, or unless the Father brings you to Himself."

"You, and others like you, are coming to the Father, for He is bringing His People into a greater revelation of Himself. You are being brought forth into HIM, so that you can know HIM, and then His People can know HIM. It is time for God's people to walk as ONE with us, in true relationship. I said in My Word, in John 17, that there would come a time that this would be so. Now is that time."

"It is time for you and those chosen like you to come and meet with us, and become those LIVING TORCHES, that draw them to us. It is time for MY People, to know ME, says the Father." I look, and the Fire of the Fathers Glory burns even stronger. It seems as if it magnifies a thousand times as I look at HIM. I sense such a stirring within Me, for HIM. I can hardly keep from casting myself at His Feet, into the Flames. I care nothing for my safety, only to be like HIM. Only to be with HIM…..

"You can be with Him, daughter, Jesus says." I turn, and look, and Jesus is standing next to Me. He has a burning torch in his hand. He is looking at the Father with me. He turns to me, and says, "It is right to want to be one with us, as you were created to know us, and to be one with us, as that was the original relationship that we had in the beginning. It is your spirit drawing nearer to us, and crying out for us, for liberty. That will soon come, for our return is soon. But for now, you must return, and give His people His Words."

"Speak the Truth, in Love, and never harm one of HIS. Always feed them with the LIVING WORD that we will speak to you, as you seek us, and read the Word. Never give them bread that is not food from our table. For many give bread that is not from our table, and my people are starving. You must reverence the WORD above all else. As you do, it will remain LIVING and fresh food that nourishes. But, if you lose respect and honor for MY WORD, then you will cease to cherish it, and it will become a stumbling stone for many, because it is no longer given IN LOVE, but in greed. It turns to a stone, because greed comes from a lack of respect and a ceasing of honor and submittance to MY Word. But if you ever keep MY WORD before you, then you will feed them with a true heart, and they will grow and know Me, for you will show them the way."

Jesus then reached out to me, and held the torch to me. He said, "This is yours. It is lit with the Flame of the Father. The Flame of the Father lit the Menorah, which stood before the Ark. Just as I stand before the Father now. It is an eternal flame, but men failed to keep it lit. The Light went out in the Holy Place. Men are not faithful, and do not have their hearts set upon MY WORD. They take their eyes off of Me, and do not fear Me."

"You have been called to be a Torch Bearer. You must carry the BURDEN OF THE WORD. You must show MY WORD, the LIVING WORD, to those I send you to. I am calling many to this task. For the Hour of great darkness has come, and the LIGHT OF MY WORD will dwell among men, all who are Mine. It is your choice to carry this torch. It will be your burden to bear, and your destiny to walk in. Many will come to this place and receive MY WORD, and embrace it fully, or they will not. Just as you do this day."

I stood and watched as the fire danced upon the torch. I felt such a longing for it, yet, I also felt a fear rise up from within me as I thought about taking it. The Lord said, "That is the true Fear of the Lord. If My People would allow the true Fear of the Lord to guide them, they would not so easily stray from Me or deny Me. They would be fully yielded to Me, and would not struggle as much as they do in their sins, for they do not allow MY WORD to do it's complete work in them. So they live only partially in victory, and remain in their flesh and carnal ways, and do not know the fullness of the relationship with us."

I reached out for the Flaming Torch, and Jesus put it in my hand. It fit right in my hand like it was made for it. Jesus smiled, and said, "You were made for Me. Why would not MY WORD feel like it was made for you. I AM the LIVING WORD, and you now hold MY HEART in your hands. The BURDEN OF THE WORD that burns in this torch before you is MY HEART. It is MY HEART that ignites the WORD, and it becomes alive and creates the Father's Will in the earth. I still live to do the Father's Will, and so will you."

"Go, and allow the WORD to burn within you, and upon you, and become the BURDEN of the Father through you. That is what is meant by, being the salt and the Light of the world. How can men see, unless a LIGHT is lit, and how can they understand, unless one is sent to them, to point them the way?"

I began to feel the BURDEN OF HIS HEART as I stood there holding that torch. I could feel His Concern for them, and for their burdens and captivity. I could feel a great stirring deep within me, as I began to walk forwards, and the Cloud of His Glory began to fade…..

Susan Cummings