Die Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Olivia Long.
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So many of My Beloved are waiting, waiting for me to position them, some geographically and all spiritually for My plan at this time. You have seen others moved and yet you remain, but hear Me, My child, I am still positioning and you will see Me move in an instant. In an instant!.... and you will be surprised for it will come upon you so suddenly.
Some of you believe you haven't seen it because of foolish choices that you have made in your walk, of wrong moves and actions you took that changed the course of your life..... But I say to you because of your faithfulness to Me your destiny in Me is secure and will SURELY come forth.
Many of you I have already re-positioned but many of you still remain in a waiting mode and I say things will not remain "status quo". I AM beginning the final positioning of My Beloved for what lies ahead and be assured you will be positioned in the very center of My will. I will re-position many as well for you safety as the nations will continue to see more of My judgments. This is a time to stay close to your Lord and to seek My guidance and wisdom in this hour.
I have linked some of you together in unity and you have found that you have a strong relationship of commitment and love for one another. Now watch, as one by one, each of you enters the new season I have before you.
You ask when, when? You are so pre-occupied with time but My timetable is not synchronized to your earthly time. You see, My time is over the course of history and not limited to a human lifespan of time. My views and anointings are not based on gender, or age or your predisposed ideas of value and worth.
Even so, My hand is upon you and as Esther entered into such a time as this, so are My Beloved. You have been living through some very intense years but still you remain faithful to Me in all you have been going through for the vision still remains alive in your heart and spirit. You have gone through intense times but they have been "strengthening times". Times of preparation and strengthening to enable you to be ready for such a time as this.
I have been uniquely equipping and preparing you for the work that I have called you to do. You have unique responsibilities and I will help you to do them. There are turning points in your life, marker moments in which the I AM, in an instant, can change your life. It has all been pre-ordained by My hand and I say, "Fear Not" for I will bring all to pass that I have promised.
I AM faithful, now see Me move. Watch as you find yourself in places of exceptional opportunities while knowing the I AM is at your side. I have prepared and I am continuing to position during "MY time and season." As Esther, you have found favor with the King by your obedience in times of long suffering.
Now see My favor that is coming upon you. Watch and see just what your God can do with a strategically positioned obedient people. Positioned in place but more than that, positioned in time! I have opened and closed doors in your life and I have done it fairly and with purpose. It is late in the hour, the storms are approaching but not until all of my faithful ones are positioned and have fully entered the King's chamber... truly you have come for such a time as this.......