Heute schicke ich Euch Robert Holmes Ermutigung unsere Begabungen nicht nur in der Gemeinde zu leben, sondern sie hinauszutragen in das Alltagsleben, die öffentlichen Plätze, die Arbeitswelt, wo immer wir auch sind ...
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There is no good reason why your gifts cannot function in the marketplace.
If you can pray down a line after the Sunday night service, then that same gift can function in the shopping mall, when someone stops you to ask for directions.
If you have prophetic insight into dreams, and can sit in a seminar and interpret someone else's dreams, then you can do the same for the lady having coffee with you at morning tea break.
If you have the gift of insight, and inspiration so as to give directive words to the church leadership on where they are headed, then you are likewise able to bring God given wisdom to the board room planning sessions.
If you have the gift of word of knowledge, and by the Spirit know what people were doing yesterday, then that same gift can enable you to audit the accounts of a business, and find errors or misappropriations by the Spirit.
Package it another way
Strip away all the religious trappings, the uniform dress code of your denomination, the business cards announcing your title and office and what do you have.
When you strip away the Christian jargon and the Biblical language and get prophecy right down to the ground where an ordinary person can understand it. What do you have?
Our past affects our present.
Our present affects our future.
So we can use the prophetic gift in business to help:
Overcome the past,
Build in the present,
and Succeed in the future.
There are inherent blessings for business people, if they will not only follow the guidelines of Scripture (integrity, honesty, righteousness) and do business by the book, but there is an inherent blessing in involving prophets in their work.
"Believe in the Lord and you shall be established, believe his prophets and you shall prosper" (2 Chr. 20:20).
"The elders of the Jews built and prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and of Zechariah, they built and they finished" (Ezra 6:14).
Old Testament examples
Through out the Old Testament we find prophets operating in the sphere of business, marketplace and politics.
Take a few examples:
* Daniel served Nebuchadnezzar, interpreting his dreams and in the administration of the kingdom.
* Joseph served Pharaoh, interpreting his dreams and administrating the kingdom in its hardest trials.
* Isaiah was friends with King Uzziah, and also prophetically determined the line of succession from Hezekiah to Eliakim.
* Elisha counseled the king of Israel on battle strategy, helping him avoid traps and ambushes of the enemy.
* Agabus helped the church and businesses in Jerusalem prepare for a drought which affected the entire region.
A prophet provides:
* Hindsight: Reviewing where you've been
* Insight: Analysing where you're at
* Foresight: Predicting where you're going
I was trained by a consulting and coaching firm, who based their enterprise on taking people to their personal best. They were a motivational group, who believed the best of individuals and brought out the best in companies. I used this technique with many clients. Coming into their company as a consultant, a facilitator whose only job was to assist them to do better, I could quickly employ prophetic insight. Hindsight to review where they had been, gained through discussion with staff and management. Insight into what they were doing now, gained with a 360 degree review of their business practices. Foresight, gained by looking at their budgeting, forecasting, business planning and personal prayer.
I know prophetic people who work in the auditing and accounting departments of their company. They review statistical data, plough through accounting information and provide the managers great review (hindsight) of where they have been.
I know prophetic people who consult the board of companies. Whilst they never get up and say , "Thus saith the Lord," they certainly provide wisdom (insight) that no one else has thought of. Especially as it comes to looking at the way people are behaving, and the communication/ interactions which take place. One man I know worked for a very large firm, and they called him "The Trouble Shooter". If there was a flaw in the system, he could find it.
I know prophetic people who sit in the planning meetings of economic forecasting groups, and who advise kings of nations. They bring valuable prophetic information about weather, political situations, war, terrorism and economic situations looming.
I have worked on the board of management for community organizations and community development groups. In both these situations I am considered a businessman, or a concerned local citizen. But I employ the prophetic gift gainfully to assist them to move ahead.
What about you? You might not be a prophet, but certainly the prophetic gift works in your life. So can you work in these three areas, assisting people.