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In der heutigen Mail sende ich Euch eine Ermutigung zur Ruhe und Zeit mit dem Herrn von John Paul Jackson

Ich hoffe, dass es Euch gut geht gemäß 3.Joh.1:2 "Geliebte/r, ich wünsche, daß es dir in allem wohlgeht und du gesund bist, wie es deiner Seele wohlgeht."

Ich wünsche Euch viel Segen für die nächste Woche,

Wir sind Seine Familie in IHM
Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger

><> JIL - JESUS IS LOVE <>< =

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By John Paul Jackson

Our God-given revelatory gifts thrive when we embrace rest and contemplation. As we quiet our hearts before the Lord, He cleanses our perspectives and fills us with fresh thoughts and creativity. He restores our mind and reorders our soul in divine peacefulness.

Over the years, I have learned the necessity of stepping back and having a quiet day to be drawn up into the mind of God. Most of us must be intentional about cultivating time to reflect and rejuvenate our spirit.

Spending time in God’s presence is the secret to deepening our relationship with Him. God loves to reveal His heart to us. He shares His secrets with those who diligently seek Him, and who wait for Him to speak.

As you seek to develop greater intimacy with the Lord in 2005, here are five ideas to consider this year: Create breathing space and restorative rest by establishing some boundaries in your schedule to protect times for quiet devotion and reflection. Don't crowd your week with activities. Keep some spaces open on your calendar each week for God. Plan time for quiet reflection.

Consider taking a spiritual retreat on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.

Restore the practice of a Sabbath rest in your life. Seek a place of solitude where you can commune with God. Rest from busyness and remember God’s great deeds on our behalf.

Sort out mental clutter. Free yourself from the opinions of others, which keep your mind from truly resting. Ask the Lord to tear down any mental stronghold that keeps you from walking into the fullness of His purpose for your life. Loose your spirit, soul, and body to be totally the Lord's. Release the gift of forgiveness to those who have been critical or domineering in your life. Then breathe in deeply and exhale, asking God to fill you with His Spirit.

Set aside time each day to read the Bible and meditate on God’s attributes. Consider ways to apply what you have read. Ask yourself, "Do I really believe what I am reading? Is my life reflecting this belief?"

At the start of 2005, offer yourself anew to God. Allow Him to create in you, moment-by-moment, both the desire and power to do His will. Let the Holy Spirit saturate your mind with truths revealed in the Bible and meditate on His divine attributes.

Some of my greatest experiences with God have come while meditating on God's Word. When I pause and contemplate its implications, I discover deeper truths and insights about Scripture. So much of the Bible's spiritual velocity and weightiness is lost today because we do not pause to meditate on and consider its application.

Enjoying intimacy with God is beyond any earthly pleasure. As you spend time in God’s presence, the more He will refresh you and deepen your spiritual walk. You’ll discover that God is delightful beyond imagination.