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by Teresa Seputis (ts@GodSpeak.org)
Child, I have loved you with an everlasting love. I held you in the palm of My hand all of those times when you felt far from Me, and I never let go of you. All of those times when you felt too weak to hold on to Me, I sustained you and I had a strong grip on you. Child, I have seen you at your absolute worst and I still love you. I have seen your failures, and even though you are disappointed in yourself, I am not disappointed with you. I do not judge you by the same criteria that you judge yourself by.
Child, I do not judge you by your performance alone, but by your heart after Me. There are times when you feel weak and helpless and all you can do is to cry out to Me. You have thought in your heart that I must be displeased with you because of this. But child, I am not like that at all, for I am love.
I know the depth and severity of each thing that I allow to come into your life. There are times when I allow much to come at you, and in those times, all I ask of you is that you remain standing. But in those times, you so often feel frustrated with yourself because you are not advancing; you are not taking new ground or winning new victories -- you are merely holding the ground that you have already taken.
And you assume that I must be frustrated with you because of that. But child, I am love and I am a reasonable God and I am a pleasable God. I do not expect you to take new ground for Me in those times, I only expect you to stand firm. And I am so pleased with you when you do stand firm and remain true to Me in difficult times.
Child, I want to teach you more of Myself, so that you will know Me better and understand how I think. I do not think like a man and I do not react like a man. Come to me and learn of My love.
I do not hold any condemnation towards My own dear children. I have said this in My word for a reason -- it is true. It is your enemy, the devil, who tries to condemn you. Love would not do that. But do not fear, for I have already defeated this foe, and I have broken the power of condemnation in your life.
Your defeated enemy still tries to lay expectations upon you that are not from Me, then he accuses and condemns you when you do not live up to them. Do not fret, I know you inside and outside. I have already accepted you and I will not reject you or push you away. When you are weak and failing, I do not condemn you. And when you cry out to Me for help, I strengthen you, I equip you and I make you an overcoming one.
I am a good God and a loving God and I have much good in store for you. Do not fear, but trust in Me, for I will surely bring it to pass. I am with you and I will never leave you. I have forgiven you and I will never condemn you.
So do not be afraid that you will not measure up. Do not let your fears keep you from Me. Instead come to Me and allow Me to embrace you. The more you dwell in My presence and truth, the more you will be transformed by My radiance and the stronger you will grow in Me. If you feel weak, then come to Me and allow Me to strengthen you. If you feel discouraged, come to Me and allow Me to encourage you. If you feel dirty, come to Me and allow me to cleanse you.
See, child, I am love and I will not reject you or push you away.