Die Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Undra und seiner Frau Bridget Fizer.
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by Undrai & Bridget Fizer (undraifizer@sbcglobal.net)
You are already free to express your faith. Your faith 'is not found in the expression of one's ritualistic activity, nor in one's ability to speak out of an activity.'
There is nothing that can hinder you from expressing your faith. You are already free 'to become what the Father is, anytime and anywhere.'
There is much conflict in various church gatherings that have come as a result of 'the absence of liberty in worship expression, even in the expressions of spiritual giftings.' It has, for some, produced an inward burden and feelings of being 'controlled by the leadership.' This 'stifling' of spirit has even produced bondage in everyday lives of individuals who have felt enslaved as a result of not being able to 'be free in the service.'
However, as the Kingdom is being revealed around us, and also in full capacity from within us, 'our eyes are being opened even more deeply and with understanding.' The Kingdom within us, has already given us the freedom to become 'the essence of the One Who has received us.' Our faith is not found in our gifts, nor is it found in our liberty to flow, but in our authority and permission TO BECOME.
(NOTE: When you become 'the essence of the prophetic flow, you will never be enslaved again to a time, place, or season.' You will find yourself 'becoming the season that everyone else will eventually walk into, or stumble into, and the Solutions will be awakened from within them. You won't even have to open your mouth! )
There are many who have liberty in expressing their gift, but maintain the fear of becoming. Your faith is not found 'in the freedoms given in a scheduled service, but in the Pre-Ordained Right to become a tangible expression of the One who created you in the earth. You are already free to become, and to experience the dominion that you and I were designed in 'before the universe even began!'
When you discover the Kingdom, and the reality in which you were formed before the foundations of the earth, you will also discover the 'freedom to be' everything you were designed to be, even before pain and rejections created the blueprints and the pathways that we felt were necessary 'to create another life and become something else.'
No one controls the process that is necessary in you becoming 'the predetermined one.' Others, however, will control the process if you are becoming 'their own personal creation, or the byproduct of an individually created movement.'
But as you embrace the capacity to become what you were predetermined to be, freedom is inevitable. Your freedoms will not be found in 'an atmosphere to express a ritual, but in the confidence TO BE WHAT THE FATHER IS.'
It will be found in your own confidence in living a kingdom lifestyle, and having a kingdom thoughtsyle, in a place where others 'may not readily accept it.' It's not about what others accept. It's about being what you are, even when being truthful with Truth 'is not religiously popular with the mainstream.'
Christ did not apologize to His generation for being Himself. Neither should you..
Blessings, Undrai & Bridget Fizer