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Subject: 2005-04-03 Mark Sandford - AN ALERT FOR FRONT LINE SOLDIERS
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Liebe Geschwister
Die Ermutigung dieser Woche f=FCr Euch stammt von Mark Sandford, dem Soh=
n des Ehepaares John and Paula Sandford
Der Herr und sein Segen sind mit Euch,
Wir sind Seine Familie in IHM
Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger
><> JIL - JESUS IS LOVE <>< =3D
Wenn Du jemand kennst, f=FCr den diese Mail ein Segen sein k=F6nnte, so =
sende sie ihm doch bitte weiter. N=E4he Informationen sowie die M=F6glic=
hkeit diese w=F6chentliche, kostenlose E-Mail zu bestellen findet man au=
f obiger Internetadresse im Bereich "JIL-MAIL", danke.
By: Mark Sandford
Nowadays, spiritual warfare is heavier than it has ever been. In recent =
years, a particular principality has been especially on the attack. I ha=
ve talked with countless weary intercessors and other ministers of the g=
ospel. None have clearly understood the nature of the attack. Confusion =
besets many.
For that reason, I write, Lin order that Satan might not outwit us. For =
we are not unaware of his schemesM (2Cor. 2:11). Last February, as my pl=
ane climbed into the skies on the way to Germany, I recognized I had bee=
n under demonic attack for many weeks. This should have been obvious, bu=
t the demon had clouded my thoughts. When I sent it away, I realized I h=
ad nearly forgotten what LnormalM felt like.
In Germany, I asked a prominent intercessor what struggles her church wa=
s encountering in the spiritual realm. She described my experiences in e=
very detail! Since then, I have heard similar accounts from Finland, Aus=
tria, South Africa, the U.S., Canada and Japan.
A widespread attack is underway (im Gange). It is especially concentrate=
d on intercessors, prophetic people, prayer ministers, pastors and other=
leaders. It is the most vicious (b=F6sartig), powerful and relentless (=
erbarmungslos) attack I, and they, have ever encountered. Its tactic is =
to tempt us to see ourselves as incapable (unf=E4hig) and unqualified, o=
r unworthy to perform our ministries, and to imagine that others agree. =
This causes distrust and division, for we tend to feel too ashamed to se=
ek help. We feel weak, and assume others will see us as weak if we divul=
ge (=F6ffenbaren, er=F6ffnen) our struggles.
Normally, at least in our heads, we know these are lies. But this demon =
tries to wear us down until we fall into delusion, and consciously belie=
ve we are unworthy, incompetent and unqualified. Many come to feel, or e=
ven believe, there is nothing more that they can accomplish in ministry,=
or that they cannot grow any farther. Many whose ministries are thrivin=
g (gedeihen) feel they are accomplishing little. Many feel that their mi=
nistry, or even their very life, will end soon. Some even think this is =
GodIs will.
The demonIs ultimate aim is to get us to abandon (aufgeben) our posts (P=
osten). It conjures (heraufbeschw=F6ren) such despair, that some have ev=
en wished for death. It wants to take out leaders, prophetic people, int=
ercessors and prayer ministers, because they are the churchesI first lin=
e of defense. If these can be tempted to abandon their posts, others mig=
ht fall.
The demon exploits (ausnutzen) each personIs vulnerability (Verwundbarke=
it), such as a tendency toward insecurity, distrust (Misstrauen), anger,=
depression, etc. This does not necessarily mean we have major unhealed =
issues (although that might be the case). This demon is able to exploit =
even the tiniest crack in our armor.
In Germany, I was told that a visiting conference speaker had described =
something similar, which he had encountered in countries all over the wo=
rld. He dubbed (nennen) it the Lvision-aborting spirit,M and identified =
it as the same demon involved in killing the infants at the times that b=
aby Moses and baby Jesus were hidden from Pharaoh and Herod, respectivel=
Major attacks, with the symptoms described above, come once every two or=
three months. In between, relentless attacks of every imaginable kind c=
ome one after another, through lesser principalities and demons. These i=
nclude: counterfeiting spirits (L=FCgenm=E4chte, falsche Geister) (which=
cause us to think former problems have returned), Leviathon (which twis=
ts communication and causes misunderstanding), Jezebel, slander (verleum=
dung), depression and many others, great and small.
The global scope suggests that Satan is trying to prevent a world-wide m=
ove of God. In recent decades, many have prophesied that the largest rev=
ival in history will precede (vorhergehen) the dark times before the com=
ing of Christ. As long ago as the dawn of the twentieth century, Russian=
Orthodox prophets foretold the same. They predicted that an atheistic f=
orm of government would soon take over Russia, closing most churches and=
martyring millions. This government, they said, would pass away without=
bloodshed. This has already occurred, in the rise and fall of communism=
=2E After that would come a brief period of prosperity for Russia (this ha=
s not yet happened). And there would be a world-wide repentance movement=
=2E Then there would be a great falling away, followed by the antichrist. =
Satan is frantic to abort any vision that promises to strengthen the sai=
nts for the dark times ahead. I am not claiming to know that ChristIs re=
turn is imminent. For LNo one knows about that day or hour,M not even Je=
sus (Mt. 24:36a). Communism took seventy years to pass away. It might ta=
ke as long, or longer, before the rest of these prophecies unfold. Our s=
trengthening might be the vision Satan seeks to abort. Or it might be th=
e strength God plans to impart to our children and grandchildren through=
Nor would I want you to focus too much on demons. That can distract you =
from your vision and, ironically, abet (unterst=FCtzen) its abortion. O=
n the other hand, I would not want you to be caught off guard (nicht meh=
r wachsam sein). I have heard of a few who have already left the ministr=
y, lost their faith, or gotten so low they considered suicide.
This article is a call to Lbe alert, and always keep on praying for the =
saintsM (Eph. 6:18b).
If you are currently feeling oppressed, ask others to pray for you. Do n=
ot minister alone. Gather under your bretheren umbrella (Unterst=FCtzung=
durch Geschwister).
Men, especially, need to be in close relationship with other men, with w=
hom they can regularly share their struggles.
Do not pray to bring down this principality. It would be foolhardy (toll=
k=FChn) for you or your little group to go up against a general with so =
vast an army at his command. Rather, with the aid of Christian co-labore=
rs, expel it only from the group over which you have authority. (Suggest=
ed reading: Needless Casualties of War, by John Paul Jackson) Pray that =
you be hidden in Christ. Pray that you and fellow Christians be enabled =
to repent of whatever hidden sins the powers of darkness might want to e=
More importantly, spend quiet time with God. Practice His presence, for =
this attack means to steal away your peace.
Spend time with persons who will remind you of who your are, and of the =
rightness of your ministryIs vision.
And mind well the words of St. Paul:
LTherefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil co=
mes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done every=
thing to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around y=
our waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place., and with you=
r feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In=
addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can e=
xtinguish all the flaming arrow of the evil one. Take the helmet of salv=
ation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in=
the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request. With=
this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying form all the saintsM =
(Eph. 6:10-18).
Paradoxically, this attack should come as an encouragement. For Satan ai=
ms his biggest guns at those who threaten him the most.
Blessings must be on their way! The darkest hour truly is just before th=
e dawn. DonIt give up. Stay close to God, in prayer. And most importantl=
y, as you pray, stay close to one another.
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Liebe Geschwister
Die Ermutigung dieser Woche f=FCr =
Euch stammt von Mark Sandford, dem Sohn des Ehepaares John and Paula San=
Der Herr und sein Segen sind mit=
Wir s=
ind Seine Familie in IHM
Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger
><> J=
www.jesus.a= =3D
Wenn Du jemand kennst, f=FCr den diese Mail ein Segen sein k=F6nnte, so =
sende sie ihm doch bitte weiter. N=E4he Informationen sowie die M=F6glic=
hkeit diese w=F6chentliche, kostenlose E-Mail zu bestellen findet man au=
f obiger Internetadresse im Bereich "JIL-MAIL", danke.
Mark Sandford
SPAN lang=3DEN-GB style=3D"mso-ansi-language: EN-GB"> 
adays, spiritual warfare is heavier than it has ever been. In recent yea=
rs, a particular principality has been especially on the attack. I have =
talked with countless weary intercessors and other ministers of the gosp=
el. None have clearly understood the nature of the attack. Confusion bes=
ets many.
For that reason, I write, =93in order that Satan mig=
ht not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes=94 (2Cor. 2:11).=
Last February, as my plane climbed into the skies on the way to Germany=
, I recognized I had been under demonic attack for many weeks. This shou=
ld have been obvious, but the demon had clouded my thoughts. When I sent=
it away, I realized I had nearly forgotten what =93normal=94 felt like.=
In German=
y, I asked a prominent intercessor what struggles her church was encount=
ering in the spiritual realm. She described my experiences in every deta=
il! Since then, I have heard similar accounts from Finland, Austria, Sou=
th Africa, the U.S., Canada and Japan.
A widespread attack is underway (im Gange). It is es=
pecially concentrated on intercessors, prophetic people, prayer minister=
s, pastors and other leaders. It is the most vicious (b=F6sartig), power=
ful and relentless (erbarmungslos) attack I, and they, have ever encount=
ered. Its tactic is to tempt us to see ourselves as incapable (unf=E4hig=
) and unqualified, or unworthy to perform our ministries, and to imagine=
that others agree. This causes distrust and division, for we tend to fe=
el too ashamed to seek help. We feel weak, and assume others will see us=
as weak if we divulge (=F6ffenbaren, er=F6ffnen) our struggles. =
Normally, at l=
east in our heads, we know these are lies. But this demon tries to wear =
us down until we fall into delusion, and consciously believe we are unwo=
rthy, incompetent and unqualified. Many come to feel, or even believe, t=
here is nothing more that they can accomplish in ministry, or that they =
cannot grow any farther. Many whose ministries are thriving (gedeihen) f=
eel they are accomplishing little. Many feel that their ministry, or eve=
n their very life, will end soon. Some even think this is God=92s will. =
The dem=
on=92s ultimate aim is to get us to abandon (aufgeben) our posts (Posten=
). It conjures (heraufbeschw=F6ren) such despair, that some have ev=
en wished for death. It wants to take out leaders, prophetic people, int=
ercessors and prayer ministers, because they are the churches=92 first l=
ine of defense. If these can be tempted to abandon their posts, others m=
ight fall.
The demon exploits (ausnutzen) each person=92s vulnerability (Verwund=
barkeit), such as a tendency toward insecurity, distrust (Misstrauen), a=
nger, depression, etc. This does not necessarily mean we have major unhe=
aled issues (although that might be the case). This demon is able to exp=
loit even the tiniest crack in our armor.
B>In Germany, I was told that a visitin=
g conference speaker had described something similar, which he had encou=
ntered in countries all over the world. He dubbed (nennen) it the =93=
vision-aborting spirit,=94 and identified it as the same demon involved =
in killing the infants at the times that baby Moses and baby Jesus were =
hidden from Pharaoh and Herod, respectively.
Major attacks, with the symptoms described ab=
ove, come once every two or three months. In between, relentless attacks=
of every imaginable kind come one after another, through lesser princip=
alities and demons. These include: counterfeiting spirits (L=FCgenm=E4ch=
te, falsche Geister) (which cause us to think former problems have =
returned), Leviathon (which twists communication and causes misunderstan=
ding), Jezebel, slander (verleumdung), depression and many others, great=
and small.
The global scope suggests that =
Satan is trying to prevent a world-wide move of God. In recent decades, =
many have prophesied that the largest revival in history will precede (v=
orhergehen) the dark times before the coming of Christ. As long ago as t=
he dawn of the twentieth century, Russian Orthodox prophets foretold the=
same. They predicted that an atheistic form of government would soon ta=
ke over Russia, closing most churches and martyring millions. This gover=
nment, they said, would pass away without bloodshed. This has already oc=
curred, in the rise and fall of communism. After that would come a brief=
period of prosperity for Russia (this has not yet happened). And there =
would be a world-wide repentance movement. Then there would be a great f=
alling away, followed by the antichrist.
Satan is frantic to abort any vision t=
hat promises to strengthen the saints for the dark times ahead. I am not=
claiming to know that Christ=92s return is imminent. For =93No one know=
s about that day or hour,=94 not even Jesus (Mt. 24:36a). Communism took=
seventy years to pass away. It might take as long, or longer, before th=
e rest of these prophecies unfold. Our strengthening might be the vision=
Satan seeks to abort. Or it might be the strength God plans to impart t=
o our children and grandchildren through us.
Nor would I want you to focus too m=
uch on demons. That can distract you from your vision and, ironically, a=
bet (unterst=FCtzen) its abortion. On the other hand, I would not =
want you to be caught off guard (nicht mehr wachsam sein). I have heard =
of a few who have already left the ministry, lost their faith, or gotten=
so low they considered suicide.
This article is a call to =93be alert, and alw=
ays keep on praying for the saints=94 (Eph. 6:18b).
If you are currently feeling oppressed=
, ask others to pray for you. Do not minister alone. Gather under your b=
retheren umbrella (Unterst=FCtzung durch Geschwister).
Men, especially, need to be in clos=
e relationship with other men, with whom they can regularly share their =
Do not pray to bring down this p=
rincipality. It would be foolhardy (tollk=FChn) for you or your lit=
tle group to go up against a general with so vast an army at his command=
=2E Rather, with the aid of Christian co-laborers, expel it only from the =
group over which you have authority. (Suggested reading: Needless Casual=
ties of War, by John Paul Jackson) Pray that you be hidden in Christ. Pr=
ay that you and fellow Christians be enabled to repent of whatever hidde=
n sins the powers of darkness might want to exploit. <=
More importantly, spend quiet time with God. Practice His presence, =
for this attack means to steal away your peace.
Spend time wit=
h persons who will remind you of who your are, and of the rightness of y=
our ministry=92s vision.
And mind well the words of St. Paul=
=93Therefore put on the full armor of God, so t=
hat when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, an=
d after you have done everything to stand. Stand firm then, with the bel=
t of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousn=
ess in place., and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes f=
rom the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of =
faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrow of the evil o=
ne. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is t=
he word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds o=
f prayers and request. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on pr=
aying form all the saints=94 (Eph. 6:10-18).
P align=3Dleft>Paradoxically, this attack should come as an encouragement. For Satan=
aims his biggest guns at those who threaten him the most. =
P>Blessings must be on their way! The darkest hour truly is just bef=
ore the dawn. Don=92t give up. Stay close to God, in prayer. And most im=
portantly, as you pray, stay close to one another.