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Who Is Your Covering?
By Robert Ricciardelli
There is a question that I hear often when itinerant, marketplace or other ministers come to town or are introduced, “who is their covering?"
I have read some articles that suggest that this practice and liberal use of the word “covering” began in the days of the shepherding movement, although I have not gone to any lengths to confirm that. There are many things written and preached that seem to present a healthy relational view on the topic, but I wanted to discover in a deeper way for myself the proper perspective for these types of questions.
I started researching the word “covering” and found it only once in 1Corinthians 11:15 regarding the covering on a woman’s head. So the first thing we can say about "covering" is that there is scant Biblical evidence upon which to construct a doctrine! Yet despite this fact, countless Christians continue to ask the question "Who-is-your-covering?”
Some even push it as a litmus test to measure the authenticity of a church or ministry. So with that being stated, what would the real question be, if it were to be rephrased? Most likely the question would be, “To what person or organization are you accountable to?”
We can then go to several scriptures to support a correct response to this question. Here are a few places to confirm who we as children of God are ultimately accountable to.
Romans 14:12 Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God.
Matthew 12:36 And I tell you this, that you must give an account on judgment day of every idle word you speak.
Romans 3:19 Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses and to bring the entire world into judgment before God.
1 Corinthians 4:5 So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether or not someone is faithful. When the Lord comes, he will bring our deepest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. And then God will give to everyone whatever praise is due.
Hebrews 4:13 Nothing in all creation can hide from him. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done.
Hebrews 13:17 Obey your spiritual leaders and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this joyfully and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.
1 Peter 4:5 But just remember that they will have to face God, who will judge everyone, both the living and the dead.
Reading through God’s word and praying about this, as well as how the word “cover” may be perceived or directed, I decided to refrain from using that context of the word "cover". There is truth to covering someone spiritually in prayer, or support and encouragement, but for the most part I would choose to use the word accountability. The key relationships the Lord has given to us, assist in keeping us accountable to the things of God. With that in mind, ultimately I am still accountable to my Father for everything I do in life, and those other relationships are vital to my success in pleasing my heavenly Father.
With that in mind, the Biblically sound answer to the "to-whom-are-you-accountable?" question is simply: "I am accountable to the same person you are—God!" However many times this is perceived as disjointed, lone ranger-ish and rebellious to have God as our covering or accountability source. I think if we know God and have a relationship with our Father and His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, there is no better covering or accountability that we could ever need. The faith community that we are attached to helps nurture the process of obedience to the things of God.
I have seen that question asked many times with the suggestion of who is it that may be in control of a persons decisions in life, emphasizing the word control.
Much of the teaching that goes amiss regarding “covering” often boils down to control versus a healthy check and balance. Some of the religious and institutional churches still operate to some degree on a foundation of control. In these systems, relationships and reciprocal respect and honor are not always evident. Usually this underlying hierarchy is not visible for most of the people that engage with it, therefore “covering” is viewed mainly as a protective mechanism.
Most of the “covering” teachings I have seen are hierarchal at their core. In this leadership style, those in higher ecclesiastical positions will sometimes have a tenacious hold on those under them. Oddly, it is through such top-down control that believers are said to be "protected" from error.
The concept goes something like this. Everyone must answer to someone else who is in a higher ecclesiastical position. In the average church in this generation, this translates into the "laymen" answering to the pastor. In turn, the pastor must answer to someone with more authority. The pastor typically traces his accountability to a denominational headquarters, to another church (often called the "mother church"), or to an influential Christian worker, Bishop, or ruling board. So the "layman" is "covered" by the pastor.
The pastor is "covered" by the denomination, the mother church, or the Christian worker. Because each is accountable to a higher ecclesiastical authority, each is protected ("covered") by that authority. So the thinking goes. But then the question remains, at the top of the pyramid whether it is a man or an organization, who is their covering? Of course, the answer usually is that God covers these men and organizations. Well, can’t God cover the layman and the pastor as well?
A friend of mine, Greg Austin, www.GregAustin.org added these comments;
When I'm asked "Who is your covering?" I always answer the same way: "I'm covered by the blood of the Lamb." I know what is meant by the question, and it confounds folks when I give them a biblical answer to an unbiblical concept.
Ask yourself: In all your Christian life, did any pastor, church leader or denomination ever "cover" you? And what does that mean?
In combat, "covering" is protection. There's two types of covering:
1. "cover" is a place to go where there is protection from enemy fire, such as a boulder or a tree or a building.
2. The 2nd "cover" is when someone says "I'll cover you" in other words, they'll use their weapon to suppress any enemy present so that you can move forward or laterally. I agree with these concepts of "covering" but not with the extra-biblical teaching of "covering."
Luther taught the Priesthood of all believers. We are all Priests and Kings as children of the most High God, (Rev. 5:10). Within the frame work of a faith community, God calls us to submit to one another (accountability through relationship with His people). There will be some who will lead, but Christ Jesus taught servant leadership. True leaders should lead by serving rather than seeking to be served. I am not going to pretend to know all of what the Father desires in governing His children. I know that there are those called to lead others in His global church, my questions are, how are they called to lead? Under what context are they leading? Are they leading as Jesus did, willing to die for those they are leading? Are they living a life worthy of following?
It is sad to see God’s children under the covering of those that would lead them astray. This happens when we place too much trust in man and not enough trust in God. We see some that even create idols of those that are in leadership in their churches, or even those on television. Unfortunately, there are some in leadership that enjoy being followed, and in some ways idolized. They will stunt the growth of those that have been persuaded to look to them in this way and it is an abomination to God. In the end all of them must still answer and give account to their loving Father God who imparted His life and breath within them.
Joyce and I have experienced the “covering” question a few times over the years. We felt the Lord calling us to a new work and new place. Some felt that we were to remain and the question came up several times in the transition, why would you leave your covering? Who will be your covering? They would say in the pain of their moment, you are going to be burned without a covering. Well we knew better who our covering is and will always be, and that is the Father, the Son, and the precious Holy Spirit that orders our steps. We must obey God rather than men. Jesus gave us the best example of only doing what the Father had instructed Him to do. He was lead by His Father and not by men and we too should be led by our Father. He will lead us to our faith community family where He will disciple us and where we will be able to disciple others in His ways. Because we are under His covering, He has established in us through His Word and revelation, steps that we need to take to keep us from being burned along the path of life. Here are a few of them we have found that have helped us on our journey with Him:
1. Proverbs 11:14
Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
God has blessed us in the faith community we have. We have many close relationships we submit to and get much of God’s wisdom through. We have several pastors that encourage us to be obedient to what God is calling us to and always are available to us. We have an extended world wide family we are in touch with as well. We have incredible mentors that have been obedient to impart to us.
2. John 2:24-25 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.
All men and women fall short of His glory and wisdom. All men and women can be wrong in their assessment of your lives, so we know it is vital to spend time with the Lord to hear from Him regarding counsel. As the Lord has continued to develop the many relationships we have that have mentored us, loved us, imparted wisdom to us, we have also known that we must first hear from the Lord Himself. Many ways seem right to man, but in the end there may be destruction.
So we utilize these fathers of the faith to confirm and affirm what the Lord may be telling us. We also receive wisdom or insight that we then can take to the Father who will reveal the truths and give us the direction we need. We have seen many running around from place to place looking for a “Word from the Lord”. Although we encourage the prophetic, we do not encourage running all over the place to hear a word regarding God’s plan for your life. Oftentimes, this displaces the relationship the Holy Spirit desires to have with us. Prophetic words, most of the time, should confirm what Father God has already spoken to you
3. We need to be part of a faith community and should never seek isolation.
In isolation, you can fall victim to your own interpretation. You have no one else to bounce off information that may or may not be coming from the Lord. We need each other. We also have realized that if God can use a donkey, then He can use anyone to speak wisdom to us, so we try and listen for His nuggets of Truth from many different sources, but always bounce that back to our key relationships, especially when decisions need to be made. Remember to always have the right perspective in all God ordained relationships. Here are a few reminders from the book of Matthew of how Father wants no other gods or relationships between Him and us. We should covenant with men, but there is always a greater covenant.
Matthew 10-34-3734Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
My prayer is for God’s people to rise up. We all have what we need. We have the Holy Spirit of God within us. Jesus Christ is our Captain, our High Priest and yes our “covering”. I do not need to run, hide, or look for “cover” as I am always under the shadow of His wings. If you are part of a church that provides instruction and parameters for you to engage with God to fulfill His plan for you, praise God! Your pastor is a shepherd for you to point you to the Great Shepherd that illuminates your path and is your Protector.
Do not even try to live under the context of isolation or away from a body of believers that can support and encourage your walk with God. As we submit to one another in that context, welcome godly correction that leads to repentance, we can experience an upward service to God. We submit to one another through relationships and keep each other’s heart motives in alignment to the principles of God’s Word. We are thankful to have a few pastors that are there to serve us, and in return we desire nothing more than to serve them. Under the “cover “of the Almighty, there is peace, joy, government, and an army that will advance His kingdom to the uttermost parts of the earth.
I found this devotion by Max Lucado significant to this article regarding who is our Shepherd, who is our God, who is our “Covering”? I am not a music major, but I guess middle “C” suggests the balance in music. Not too high not too low, and can fill in the balance of the music.
The Middle 'C' Of Life
By Max Lucado
You and I need a middle C. Haven't you had enough change in your life? Relationships change. Health changes. The weather changes. But the Yahweh who ruled the earth last night is the same Yahweh who rules it today. Same convictions. Same plan. Same mood. Same love. He never changes.
You can no more alter God than a pebble can alter the rhythm of the Pacific. Yahweh is our middle C. A still point in a turning world. Don't we need a still point? Don't we need an un-changing shepherd?
We equally need an uncaused shepherd. No one breathed life into Yahweh. No one sired him. No one gave birth to him. No one caused him. No act brought him forth.
And since no act brought him forth, no act can take him out. Does he fear an earthquake? Does he tremble at a tornado? Hardly. Yahweh sleeps through storms and calms the winds with a word. Cancer does not trouble him, and cemeteries do not disturb him. He was here before they came. He'll be here after they are gone. He is uncaused.
And he is ungoverned. Counselors can comfort you in the storm, but you need a God who can still the storm. Friends can hold your hand at your deathbed, but you need a Yahweh who has defeated the grave. Philosophers can debate the meaning of life, but you need a Lord who can declare the meaning of life.
You need a Yahweh.
You don't need what Dorothy found. Remember her discovery in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz? She and her trio followed the yellow-brick road only to discover that the wizard was a wimp! Nothing but smoke and mirrors and tin-drum thunder. Is that the kind of god you need?
No, you need a God who can place 100 billion stars in our galaxy and 100 billion galaxies in the universe.
And you need a God who, while so mind-numbingly mighty, can come in the soft of night and touch you with the tenderness of an April snow.
You need a Yahweh.
And, according to David, you have one. He is your shepherd.