Liebe Geschwister

Die Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Victroia Boyson

Ich wünsche Euch eine großartige Woche

Wir sind Seine Familie in IHM
Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger

><> JIL - JESUS IS LOVE <>< =

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Follow Hard After Me ! -

- A Vision of Our Journey with the Lord
by Victoria Boyson
Victoria Boyson Ministries
Web: Email: 

Jesus and I were walking very briskly through a heavily wooded area. We traveled for some time, He in front and I behind. I knew He was taking me somewhere, that we had a destination. He told me to follow hard after Him. I repeated His words to Him to show Him that I understood what He meant, but neglected the word "hard." He corrected me, "Follow hard after me."

Following Jesus When All Seems Against Us

We kept moving, with His hand in mine, quickly through the woods. Many times heavy branches hit me in the face, but I kept following Him. Occasionally we met people as we walked; some would encourage us, while others would hurl insults at us, but we kept walking.

I looked down at one point and realized we had been walking on a narrow log the whole time, which was no more than a foot wide. Below us lay a very deep ravine. I couldn't believe we had been walking so fast on what turned out to be a very perilous passageway. But Jesus seemed confident of where and how we traveled; I grasped His hand even tighter.

We continued walking and would, on occasion, meet people who would try and convince us we were going the wrong way. When they found they could not deter us, they started throwing things at us. This made me mad, so I turned and started yelling at them. They only increased their attack against us as they pelted me with rocks and sticks.

Because I had stopped following Jesus in order to scream at our attackers, my hand had slipped from His without my realizing it and He had disappeared out of sight. Instantly, terror stuck me as I found myself on the narrow log with miles of open air below me that reached to a rocky ravine.

I dropped to my knees too afraid to journey on and terrified to go back. I closed my eyes, hid my face in my knees and cried.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder . . . it was Jesus. He didn't scold me. He very tenderly said, "Come on, get up, we've got to keep moving." He reminded me of His command to follow hard after Him, and so we started out again.

"He Leads Me Beside Quiet Waters . . . He Restores My Soul"

In the distance, I saw a clearing where a river flowed. It glistened with the light from the sun. He said, "We'll stop there and rest a while." My journey seemed easier knowing there was a place to rest ahead of us.

As we arrived at the river, we took off our shoes and put our feet in the water. I was so tired, I just wanted to lay down and sleep, but Jesus made me eat a lunch He had prepared for us. After the meal, we lay near the bank of the river while the sun warmed us. It was really very nice.

"He Leads Me on Paths of Righteousness . . . "

We met some people at the river's edge who began to flatter me. They wanted me to stay with them and help them; they told me that I was "just what they needed!" The temptation to stay with them was very strong, because I was tired of traveling. I wanted to settle down. It felt good to be needed by them, but the Lord quickly pulled me away from them. As He did, I saw that they were wearing costumes and masks. They were not people at all, but were wolves in sheep's clothing.

I was a little angry with Jesus, because He had separated me from them. I felt He was being unfair to me at that moment, but then I realized it meant being without Him. I shuttered when I thought of how close I had been to staying with them. I determined in my heart not to follow my own reasoning, but to trust in His.

"Even in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Will Fear No Evil"

We continued our journey by walking along the bank of the river; it was very difficult. The banks were covered in jagged rocks and we were moving very fast. My ankles burned from all the twisting and turning they made.

But, after awhile, even our difficult journey became monotonous, and my mind began to wander. I thought of all I had endured on this journey and began to feel sorry for myself because of the insults I had endured.

Then, I remembered something that I had asked the Lord for a long time ago which He had not given to me. I started to get mad at Jesus. As my temper mounted, I stopped short and withdrew my hand from His. He turned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Jesus," I said, feeling sorry for myself, "you didn't give me what I asked you for . . . do you remember?"

"Yes," He replied.

I was convinced that I was in the right this time. "I really need that!" I declared.

He didn't get mad or annoyed with me, He just stroked my hair and said, "You don't need that right now, honey; it would only slow you down."

Instantly my heart was at peace. As sure as I had been that I needed it, I was now just as sure that He was right. I knew now that I needed to stay focused on my journey . . . to stay focused on Him.

"You Have Prepared a Table for Me . . . "

We continued on our way for a very long time, with fewer interruptions now, because I had determined in my heart to follow hard after Him. I was beginning to understand more about Jesus, and I was learning what to expect from our journey together.

As we walked, the sky turned to a wonderful emerald blue and the trees became more and more beautiful. The air was warm and filled with fragrance. Jesus walked much slower now, not quite as hurried. I knew we must be nearing the end of our journey.

We walked into a clearing where the grass was plush and green. I knew that where we were was a secret place. It was extraordinarily beautiful, peaceful, and quiet. Giant willow trees hung like a picture frame over a gazebo by a gentle stream. Flowers filled the air with their sent; I felt I was home.

We sat down at the table where a delightful meal was prepared for us. We laughed together as we ate, and talked of our journey and how beautiful the garden was. I was so happy to be with Him in this place.

Jesus continued to surprise me with wonderful fruit and all my favorite desserts. Everything tasted better than ever before; it was filling and satisfying. With every bite, I was filled more and more with His love, and the strain of my journey faded away. As we laughed and ate, I felt that I would be content to stay in this wonderful place with Him forever. I felt so refreshed.

Unexpectedly, saints robed in white appeared all around us as though they had always been there, but I had been unable to see them. They approached our table with great joy and carried gifts for me in their arms.

Jesus spoke, "These gifts are from me. They are your reward for your dangerous journey." He beamed with joy at my surprise. "I love presents!" I exclaimed. I was so excited. They were wrapped so beautifully; I couldn't wait to open them.

"Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me All the Days of My Life"

The first present contained a beautiful crown -- I was stunned by its elegance. I took it out of its box and placed it on my head; everyone agreed it suited me perfectly. The second box contained a robe, which was red, trimmed in white. I was in awe of the look and feel of it. I slowly ran my hand down it, admiring the feel of the fine fabric. I burst into tears at the thought of what this robe must have cost Him, and it was all for me.

I began to realize now, as if for the first time, just how much He really loves me. I looked deep into His eyes and said gratefully, "Thank you."

He smiled an understanding smile, but then laughed, saying, "Put it on!"

I put on the robe and danced around to show everyone. They laughed and applauded with great joy.

As I danced I realized that my shoes were suddenly elegant slippers. They were not the worn out leather boots I had on during my journey, but beautiful silver slippers. I had not even noticed the change and the Lord laughed with great delight at my shock.

Oh, how He laughed!

The Greatest Gift of All

There was more laughing and dancing, talking and crying.

Then, secretly, the Lord pulled a small box out of His robe and said quietly, "I have one more present for you."

I opened this gift with great reverence; I knew it must be something very special. As I opened the package and lifted the lid on the small box, I was amazed at what I saw. In this small, thin box, with no elaborate trimmings, was His beating heart!

I gasped!

"I am giving you My heart, child, please use it well," He said. "I am sending you to where your journey began and you will need all that I have given you here."

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, so I am sending you among the wolves to gather my sheep to Me. You must protect them. But, I have no fear in sending you, because you have all that you need . . . you have acquired it by following me!"

Your Great Journey has Only Just Begun . . .

He stood for the first time since we had arrived and, with great satisfaction at a job well done, He motioned to a small boat at the stream near by. With help from the saints, we loaded my provisions into the boat.

Jesus unhooked the boat from its shoring and gave it a gentle shove out into the stream. I waved good-bye and blew Him a kiss, but could not take my eyes off of Him.

I did not know where my journey would lead me next, but I was not afraid. I knew that He was with me, guiding and protecting. He was my gentle savior, sending me to battle with all I would ever need. I would not lack.

I realized then, my journey had not ended in this place, it had only just begun.

by Victoria Boyson
Victoria Boyson Ministries