Die Ermutigung dieser Woche für Euch stammt von Luz Cintron.
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Luz Cintron
This is for the people who have been at the end of the line for a long time.
They have always stepped back so that others may get blessed, they have interceded for others even laying aside their own needs, they have pushed forth the kingdom until they feel they had no strength left.
They have given without expecting and they have embraced loss for the love of Christ when they could have won.
They are well seasoned believers mainly intercessors that have placed themselves on the gap without romanticizing what that means, paying the price in silence and obscurity. To those I speak today in the name of Abba.
This is what He says to you:
"Your hour is now and not a minute later. I have seen, I have heard, I have noticed. You are established in a place that no one can take away from you because you have persevered without expecting rewards."
Listen to what He says,
"I am your shield and your great reward."
Remain humble because His glory is about to pass your way and all that is lifted in the land will be brought to naught.
Your day of visitation will be in consolations and strength."
Lift up your head, you are beloved and His love waves upon you as a banner through the battles you have endured.
He sees, He knows and He beholds your history with Him as precious, holy you are unto Him, for Him you are holy because you have become His treasure.
You are Beulah unto Him. (Isa 62:4)
An increase in discernment is being assigned to you, Remain in the heart of the Lord.
Jesaja 62:4 Nicht länger wird man «Entlassene» zu dir sagen, und zu deinem Land wird man nicht mehr «Öde» sagen. Sondern man wird dich nennen «mein Gefallen an ihr» und dein Land «Verheiratete»; denn der HERR wird Gefallen an dir haben, und dein Land wird verheiratet sein.