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><///°>   Euer Bruder in IHM - Stefan Wenninger   <°///><


"Hope in Love" 
Victoria Boyson

Speaking Life Ministries


 God's passion is seeing you walk in all that He has for you.

"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." --Psalm 147:10-11 (NIV)

I know that sometimes it is very difficult to trust in God while waiting for the development of your destiny. But we hope not in hope itself; we put our hope in God's unfailing love for us. And His love for us is strong enough to sink our hope into, because in the vast (weit, riesig) creation of the whole universe, His delight (Freude, Entzücken, Vergnügen). . . is in you.

Our Father's Pleasure

I love the way David expresses himself in Psalm 147. He says our Father's pleasure is not in the great strength of a horse or the strength in the legs of a man. Of course, He made these things and is pleased with them, but they are not what He delights in. Yes, God has the stars, the moon, and the sun that He could delight in, but they do not hold any great pleasure for Him. What God is passionate about is not the world He has created. They were only gifts He made for the one He loves to enjoy. What He delights in, my friend, is YOU.

You are the apple of God's eye. You are what He is passionate about. Not the great white whale, the Hawaiian Islands, or the Rocky Mountains - but you. And when you turn your gaze (aufmerksamer Bilck) toward Him, His heart skips (auslassen) a beat. You are what He loves the great passion He delights in. And those who hope in His love for them, He will not deny (ablehnen, zurückweisen).

Hoping in His Goodness

Your hope in God is the greatest honor and praise that you could give Him; it delights Him. You could not show your love for God any greater than by hoping in His goodness and trusting in His love. God wants for you to really know that He is good. And when you do, He will stop at nothing to bless you.

Unfailing Love

It is difficult to wait and hope. But let's think about what we are hoping in . . . His unfailing love.

God's love is not fickle (flatterhaft, unbeständig) like man's love. No, Psalm 145:8 says, "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love." His love is unconditional (bedingungslos). We think we understand His love, but really we do not. If we did, we would not treat others the way that we do.

God does not stop loving us when we fail. He does not want us to fail because He knows it will hurt us, but He definitely does not stop loving us. His red-hot love for us does not cool either. He loves us as much today as He will ever love us in our lifetime. He knew exactly what He could expect from us before He first chose us, and He chose us anyway.

Seasons Change

Flowers do not bloom (in Blüte stehen) year round, but do we lose faith in them because they stop blooming for a time? No we don't, because we understand the different seasons they go through. And God understands that we go through different seasons and changes. Sometimes we bloom, and sometimes we don't.

God loves us and appreciates (wertschätzen, Gefallen finden) us just as much as when we are not in bloom because He knows all and sees all. You may be going through a difficult time right now, but God looks ten years into your future and smiles. He never panics when we make mistakes; He just uses our mistakes for His glory. That is the love we hope in.

There is a time when every pot is a lump of clay (Gefäß ein Klumpen Ton), but God looks at that lump of clay and sees a beautiful pot!

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.'" --Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

No matter what you are going through right now, God's plans for you remain the same. When a little child is just learning to walk and happens to fall down, his parents do not become angry with him. They do not get upset with him because he falls. Instead, they rejoice in the fact that he is trying to walk. They do not regard (betrachten, ansehen) it as a failure, but enjoy watching him learn. And your Father in Heaven sees you exactly the same way.

God never gives up. No matter how many times we fail, His plans for us never change. We may have to endure a time of chastisement (Züchtigung) or setback (Rückschlag), but His plans for us never change. He will never give up on us, either, because He sees the finished product.

The Least of the Least

In Judges 6, the Israelites were crying out to God to save them from the Midianites, Amalekites, and other eastern countries who raided their land and left no living thing for Israel to survive on. They were desperate and prayed to God for help. The help God sent was Gideon. God had great plans for Gideon, but Gideon did not see it in himself. There was greatness in him, but he felt inadequate for the job and even argued with God about choosing him to lead Israel (v 15).

God spoke to Gideon and told him to "go in the strength you have." When Gideon argued and asked, "How can I save Israel?" God's answer was simple. He said, "I will be with you" (Judges 6:16). The answer to all of Gideon's inadequacies (Schwächen, Unzulänglichkeiten) was the same, "I will be with you." Gideon was left with only one answer and that was to hope in God's unfailing love for him; that was enough.

Even though Gideon was the least of the least of the tribes of Israel (see Judges 6:15), God used him to change a nation. And He will use you in the same way because He delights in those who put their hope in His unfailing love (see Psalm 147:11). You may feel like nothing special right now, but God sees greatness in you. He sees a mighty warrior!

There is Greatness in You

As with Gideon, God sees greatness in you. For much of your life, that greatness may be kept a secret, but it is still in you. God is faithfully preparing you for your destiny. He is molding (formen, gestalten) you into the person He desires you to be: the kind of person who is bold enough to know that there is greatness inside of himself, but humble enough to know where that greatness comes from.

It can be very troubling for you to believe in your destiny when you feel inadequate, but let me assure you, there is greatness in you. And you will, like Gideon, fulfill your destiny in God. He will have His way with you, if you place your hope in His unfailing love. Put your hope in the fact that you know He loves you and that He desperately wants what is best for you. He wants to make your dreams come true. He wants to bless you more than you want to be blessed.

Hope in God. Hope in love. Let go of fear, for your destiny is in good hands. He is able to do above and beyond all that you could ask or hope or dream (see Ephesians 3:20). He is driven by love. His passion is you and seeing you walk in all that He has for you, and He will do whatever it takes to get you there. After all, it was His idea to call you in the first place, and He will finish what He began in you.

You are on the adventure of your life, so remember to enjoy the process. Enjoy every aspect of your journey with your heavenly Father who loves you. And praise God with your smile. At a time like this, the best thing to do is smile because you are in God's hands.

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love O Lord, endures forever -- Psalm 138:8

Pray this with me:

Dear Father,

Help me to see Your love for me and help me to hold on to Your love. I want to see myself the way that You see me. Help me to trust, believe, and hope.

My prayer for you:

Dear Father,

I ask You to bless this dear saint with everything they will need to see the birth of their destiny come to pass. Anoint them for Your purposes and help them to succeed. Help them to know of Your great love for them and help them to trust in that love. Please send people to them who will represent Your heart toward them.

Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries





2.Korinther 3:18

Wir alle aber schauen mit aufgedecktem Angesicht die Herrlichkeit des Herrn an und werden so verwandelt in dasselbe Bild von Herrlichkeit zu Herrlichkeit, wie es vom Herrn, dem Geist, geschieht.


Vater, ich danke Dir, dass Du von uns allen sprichst. Dieses wunderbare Geschenk Deiner Herrlichkeit hast Du uns allen geschenkt. Und Du sprichst davon, dass mein Angesicht aufgedeckt werden muss, damit ich Dich und Deine Herrlichkeit sehen kann, Herr.


Mit den natürlichen Augen kann ich Dich nicht sehen und nur durch Deine übernatürliche Berührung werden die Augen meines herzens aufgetan und kann ich Dich und Deine Herrlichkeit anschauen. Ich bitte Dich um dieses Wunder, lieber Herr, denn ich weiß, dass es aus mir selbst heraus nicht möglich ist.


Hilf mir bitte Dich und Deine geistlichen Realitäten klarer zu sehen als alles andere um mich herum. Ich brauche dieses Wunder, denn sonst werde ich mich immer nur im Natürlichen und Sichtbaren bewegen und mein übernatürliches Erbe und mein himmlisches Zuhause in Deinem herzen nicht erkennen und mir nicht schenken lassen können.


Dich zu sehen bedeutet Deine Herrlichkeit zu sehen und durch diese Herrlichkeit verwandelt zu werden. Hier legst Du mir Deinen Plan für meine Veränderung, Reinigung und Heiligung vor. Du möchtest nicht, dass dies durch schmerzhaftes Erleben von Hoffnungslosigkeit, Einsamkeit oder Enttäuschung geschieht, die wir ja auf unseren eigenen Wegen  immer wieder erleben.


Dein wahrer Plan zur Heiligung und Verwandlung erfüllt sich dann, wenn ich Dir erlaube, dass Du meine Augen des herzens erleuchtest und ich Dich in Deiner Herrlichkeit erkennen kann. Ich möchte Dich sehen und erleben, wie herrlich Deine gegenwart ist und wie wunderbar Dein Wille und Deine wege sind. Du lässt mich schauen, wie kostbar und liebevoll Dein Herz und die Gedanken Deines Herzens sind. Ich darf erkennen, wie machtvoll und herrlich Du Dich erweist und wie gewaltig Deine Wunder und Wirkungen sind, die Du vollbringen und mir und uns allen schenken möchtest.


Diese übernatürliche und wunderbare Erkenntnis von Dir und Deiner Herrlichkeit wird mein Herz berühren und verwandeln und mich Dir immer ähnlicher machen, Herr. Ich danke Dir, Herr, dass Du einen so wunderbaren und nicht schmerzhaften Weg gewählt hast, um mein Herz zu verändern und dem Deinigen immer ähnlicher werden zu lassen.


Durch Deine wunderbar helfende Gegenwart, Heiliger Geist, darf ich mehr und mehr Dich, Herr, von Angesicht zu Angesicht sehen in Deiner Herrlichkeit. Und ich werde verwandelt in Dein Ebenbild durch Deine wunderbare Herrlichkeit. Ich danke Dir, Herr, denn Du hast mich berufen als Dein Gegenüber mit Dir in Deiner Herrlichkeit zu sein und Dein Wesen widerzuspiegeln, indem sich Deine Herrlichkeit auch auf mich ausbreitet, auf mein Herz und mein Leben.





(der gesamte Artikel wird Ende 2005 fertig sein und kann dann inklusive Bilder
als PDF oder WORD-Datei kostenlos bei mir erhalten werden)

><> JIL - JESUS IS LOVE <>< =

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