
2003-01-02 Lisa Cooke - From weary to victorious ones

2003-01-08 Bonita Chapman - Fun and Laughter

2003-01-23 Dutch Sheets - Der Strom Gottes

2003-02-06 Hollie L Moody - Separation versus isolation

2003-02-22 Bridget & Undrai Fizer - His Name is John

2003-03-15 Bill Yount - Power Outages in 2003 in the house of God

2003-03-29 Chip Brogden - Christless Christianity

2003-04-04 Rodney Howard-Browne - Prophetisches Wort über die Endzeit

2003-04-11 Hollie L Moody - Sent forth as Scouts

2003-04-25 Chip Brogden - Bring them to Christ

2003-05-03 Charlie Robinson - The Glory of God

2003-05-09  Shawn Bolz - Spirit of Elijah among us

2003-06-07 Sandy Warner - Sent One, all is paid

2003-06-15 Frank Bartleman - Spontaneity In The Azusa Street Revival

2003-06-21 Bill Yount - Changing our finances

2003-06-27 Graham Cook - Change and Leadership

2003-07-05 Kathleen Steele - Please Touch Me

2003-07-19 Kathleen Steele - Birth and Death

2003-07-26 Georg Müller - Real Faith

2003-08-02 Dave Howe - Quiet Times

2003-08-10 Sandy Warner - The cry of hearts

2003-08-16 Rick Joyner - The Trumpet WILL Sound

2003-08-24 Bill Yount - God's treasures in bars and prisons

2003-08-31 Shirley Lise - My Spirit will equip You

2003-09-07 Stephen Hanson - Seek what you share in common and not the differences

2003-09-14 Vicki Camp - Stirring Wings Call

2003-09-21 Kenneth Hagin - Gesicht über die letzten Tage der Menschheit

2003-09-28 Billy Yount - The sceptre is up for husbands and wives

2003-10-12 Chip Brogden - Is Jesus enogh

2003-11-02 John Stanko - Excellence

2003-11-16 Bill Yount - The veil of singleness is beginning to be lifted off of the faces of many single men and women

2003-11-23 David Colister - Deploying the Army of God

2003-12-06 Rex Burgher - God chooses intimacy over ministry

2003-12-14 Al Thomas - I heard GOD say - This Christmas I plan to give gifts

2003-12-21 Bill Yount - I saw gold pens falling of heaven onto earth

2003-12-28 Sandy Warner - Signs sow faith